Listen, imma get straight to the point:
You’re a small business owner (or aspiring to be).
(I mean, you just scrolled down.)
And I’m that random guy you found on the internet (ew, not like that!) who holds the key - yes, I said it, key - to your prayers.
‘Prayers?’ I hear you ask, ‘What prayers?’
Well, business prayers, of course.
See, if you’re looking for
then your ‘prayers’ have just been answered.
Because that’s ALL my team of CARTOON Zombies do...
Produce jaw-on-the-floor-eyes-wide-open-oh-my-god cartoon logos, without the hefty price tag.
...or the two week wait times.
...or the generic-looking do-it-yourself templates.
I mean, just take a look at a handful of the small businesses we've helped launched over the past year thanks to our custom cartoon logos:






Cool, I know.
But those 6 logos are just scratching the surface.
See, my team of Zombies have helped launch 237 new small businesses this past week alone, so we know a thing or two about creating cartoon logos.
If you're like most people reading this, though, you're probably thinking:
"This sounds too good to be true..."
But honestly, it's not.
I mean, it really is as simple as entering your email, here.
Answering 4 quick questions.
Paying less than a pizza.
Cracking open a beer (optional).
Then doing the hard work of lifting your jaw up off the ground when you see your cartoon logo just sitting in your inbox the very next day.
Just like all of these gamers did
You will be a 'CARTOON Zombie'
Which means you can then get my team of Zombies to use your new logo and its colors to create anything and everything you need for your business... you don't just get a logo designed, but a brand - a real done-for-you brand - you can SCREAM from the rooftops about ALL OVER social media.
A brand you can then use to get more gigs, build your following and maybe even use to fast-track your DJ career.
Pretty exciting stuff, I know.
And guess what?
To get started, all you have to do is click the big, green rectangular button below...